Top exercises to improve power: from the squats, until the establishment of qigong

With the violation of potency often men over 50 years of age. However, the pace of modern life and the bad environment have led to the violation of the sexual function may occur at an earlier age. To avoid these problems, doctors recommend to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as to systematically perform exercises for strength, recommended by the treating physician.

the exercise of the power

The benefits of exercise

Any man, regardless of age, is not immune to disorders erectile function. As it manifests itself? The first of his signs are considered as a loss of libido, lack of erection in the morning after waking up, early ejaculation or the inability of the penis to achieve the information necessary for the accomplishment of the sexual act the hardness.

The reasons for such a state can be much:

  • Process stagnant in the pelvic region.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  • A bad power supply.
  • Stress common.

To enhance the strength of men, doctors recommend to do exercise regularly. The specialists developed sets composed of a variety of exercises to improve the power. Among their advantages:

  1. The study of the large muscles and the maintenance of muscle tone, which is very important for the proper functioning of the reproductive system.
  2. Thanks to the ordinary execution of the exercise of the power, increases the synthesis of testosterone – the hormone responsible for the formation of sperm and the quality of erection in men.
  3. Thanks to the physical education are eliminated process stagnant in the pelvic region, which is an excellent prevention of prostatitis and other diseases of the urinary system.
  4. After a workout in the body natural reduces the level of adrenaline. In the case where the amount of this hormone in the body of a man exceeded, perhaps the development of emotional surge, which is always a negative impact on the power.
  5. Gymnastics helps to improve the mood and the general state of the whole organism. The physical exercise contributes to the development of endorphins.
  6. Exercise for the lifting of the power, always manages to reach the relaxation of the muscles.

However, it is necessary to remember the year in order to strengthen the power were truly effective, do it regularly. The opinion of the positive effect of the training, the man could already after a few weeks of training.

On the other hand, the use of different drugs to maintain the power of the physical exercise have a long-lasting effect. The doctors say that the daily performance of the exercise of the power, can prevent problems related to sexual health in men, regardless of their age.

The daily gymnastics

Enough of all the days to perform a small set of exercises to avoid the various problems of the sexual function and the need to consult a doctor.

the daily gymnastics

Squats are considered as the most effective means of prevention of problems of the prostate and other organs of the male reproductive system. However, to achieve maximum effect, only those who will be the run correctly. How to:

  • Starting Position stand with a spaced in the direction of the kicks. The hands can move down or to shoot before them, and socks must look to the outside.
  • The maximum strain of the gluteal muscles.
  • While keeping your heels on the ground, descend to the bottom as much as it turns out.
  • In drooping to its maximum towards the bottom it takes a little linger (at least 5 seconds).
  • Gently, without bouncing to mount in the original position.

Every morning, you need to start with 20 of these sit-ups. This will be an excellent prevention of prostatitis, but will also improve the blood circulation and synthesis in the body from testosterone.

Effective exercises

Any sexual dysfunction, men should consult a doctor. Usually, the doctor called the drug therapy, the treatment of folk remedies and exercises to impotence, to help you regain your manhood. The complex can include all sorts of exercises for the prostate and the power. The most often recommend to perform:

  1. The Kegel Exercises. To do them you can in any position (sitting, lying, standing). The most important thing to relax all the muscles of the body. Need alternating the more possible to compress and relax the muscles of the perineum. Breathing should be deep. It is recommended to do up to 5 approaches 10 times. This support helps to strengthen the muscle. This will be an excellent prevention of many problems in the organs of the urinary system.
  2. Starting Position standing. The hand for comfort put on the belt, the legs and bend the knees slightly. Sudden movements to view the basin the more forward, then back again. After each series of 10 movements, it is necessary to make a small pause, after which the exercise is repeated. Only 5 of these approaches.
  3. Being in a squatting position, pull your abdominal muscles, buttocks, and try to maximize lift the scrotum, taking a deep breath. And on the exhalation, you must relax all the muscles. After every 10 breaths, he have to take a break. These actions help to restore the functions of the testicles.
  4. Lying on the ground, a hand is placed under the head, and the second on the groin. Possible to straighten the legs, engage the anus. Need to make 5-10 of these approaches, after which change hands.
  5. The comments guarantee that if it is an exercise to perform correctly, it does this very quickly to improve the power of men. It runs in the following way: sit on a chair with high back, turning to his face. Commit a slow circular movement of a basin. By inhale — stretch the muscles of the press and at the expiration – need to involve strongly the anus. For a rotation need to inhale and exhale.
  6. Stand facing a wall, placing on it the fingers of the hand. Transfer the body weight from one foot to the other. It is important to ensure that the socks do not to burst out sex. During training, you must do so before the 10 approaches, with pauses between each.
  1. Lie on the back, well bent on the ground of the feet. The hands should rest alongside your body. The basin has to raise to the maximum, after a brief stint at the highest point in a few seconds. When the muscles of the buttocks need to heavily compress. For a start will be enough 10 of these updates. With time, their number should gradually increase, bringing it to 70-100 times, divided into several approaches.
  2. A good exercise to increase the power, you can call the walking on the spot with the back straight and the arms. 1 the approach is 30 seconds. After a getaway this exercise must be repeated.

Yoga to improve the power

the yoga of power

Observed that men in yoga classes, almost never confronted to sexual problems. A few years of this practice recommend to perform even with this diagnosis, as impotence. To avoid injury, before you run them, it is recommended that the training session aimed at stretching of the muscles. It is important to monitor the proper execution of:

  • "Plow". Lie comfortably on your back and relax the muscles throughout the body. Your feet with the bottom of the back raise it to the maximum. Ideally, if we can do more for the head. First, it is unlikely to occur, but little by little, you can achieve it. The hands must be free to lie relaxed on the floor along the body.
  • "The onion". Lie down comfortably on the stomach and relax the muscles throughout the body. The knees will bend and bind the hands behind the ankle. Set the pose and stay in this position for at least 5 seconds. Gradually, the time should increase.
  • The "Cobra". Lie on the belly and gathered the legs together. The palms of his hands support on the ground in the area of the chest. The upper part of the body to the top, the maximum fell back.

The practice of yoga helps men strengthen the muscles and improve the blood circulation and to acquire a peace of mind. Therefore, this charge allows you to quickly solve the various problems of powerlessness and to prevent their occurrence in future.

Chinese year

The chinese medicine is famous for the means of clear to solve the various problems of health and of impotence in men in particular. One of these methods is qigong.

Such a complex exercise gives the opportunity to recover from the loss of manhood. Regularly, it is recommended to these men and who are planning to conceive a child. Qigong is based on the saturation of the whole body with oxygen.

The dignity of this gym is its availability. Do physical exercise to improve the power animals absolutely at any time for men time at home. Special tools and simulators to do this, it is not necessary. It is important that the room is well were ventilated, and has always been fresh air. A characteristic is a cumulative effect. The first results, the man would be able to see at the end of a few weeks after the beginning of the training.

The best to do gymnastics in the morning after awakening or in the evening before going to bed. But, experts point out that, in the opinion of the training effect more quickly, they have to be regular and is always at the same time.

Clothes you must choose the free one, which is not forced movement. The better, if it will be from natural fabrics. Take food or drink before class is not worth it. And here it is after 30-60 minutes after the power load, you can drink a cup of warm herbal tea.

The first exercise of qigong

At the time of the execution of the gym is very important to breathe deeply:

  • Starting Position – lying on the back. The hands of tender along the body. The feet — right.
  • One leg (for the beginning of the left) and bend the knee and place a foot on the ground.
  • Focusing on bent leg and the shoulders, gently, smoothly to raise directly the right leg, along with breathing in deeply.
  • During lowering of the leg, linger at this time, when both feet will be on the same line.
  • Exhale gently on the leg.
  • The position of the feet to change the law to abide, fixed the foot to the floor, to the left and pull to right.
  • For the other leg the exercise is repeated in the same order.
qigong exercises

The second exercise of qigong

During the execution of a complex of qigong, it is necessary to pay attention to the deep breathing:

  1. The starting position on your back, arms stretched along the body. The legs, cross them, in order from bottom left.
  2. Also do a deep breath.
  3. The basin and the back needs off the ground. Build in the need on the hands, the neck and the left heel, trying to divide between them the whole load.
  4. Stay in this position and to be maintained for a few seconds.
  5. At its opening on the floor to expire.
  6. Change the position of the legs to the bottom was to the right.
  7. Repeat the exercise.

The number of repetitions is not less than 10 times.

The third year of qigong

The order of execution:

  1. Lie on the belly, straighten the legs and arms.
  2. Relying to the ground, palms at a level slightly below the shoulders.
  3. On the inhalation, lift the enclosure, easy to grow out of the ground. It is necessary to bend the back and the basin set on the floor.
  4. In a maximum a point of curvature, flip the head back. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  5. When lowering the shell gently exhale.

The number of repetitions is not less than 10.

Start a workout, a man can at any age. Presented by complexes of exercises help improve the blood circulation in the pelvic area, to prevent stagnation of the process and strengthen the muscles. If doing exercises every day, it is already a few weeks later, the man can notice significant improvements in sexual function.